Training & Development Ideas for Shooting

Shooting Training & development ideas by PeakSmart

This section is a developing resource about coaching, training & development of shooting athletes. The library will build up over time to cover topics important to shooting coaches and athletes.

We will post regularly on shooting subjects that we think are important. Contact us if you have a question and we could build a post that solves your issue.

How the articles are structured

Each of the articles works in a number of ways. Firstly, the article will give you an understanding of the concept and why it might be important to the training of shooting athletes. Secondly, each article has an example of a training drill which you or your athletes can try to help with their actual shooting development.

All of the training drills have been tried and tested with real shooting athletes at various stages of development.

We would love your feedback on anything you read here. Have you tried out the drills? Do you find them useful?

Latest Training & Development Posts

Getting to Grips with Triggering

Triggering is the main active element of firing a shot. How you place your hand on the pistol grip is key to keeping this simple task a simple task. A...

Follow Through and You

Follow through is one of the basic skills that is the first to go under pressure. In many cases it comes from a lack of understanding of what follow through...

Rifle Aiming: Get your head right and the rest will follow.

Rifle aiming looks like a simple task, but it is so easy to get it wrong without knowing why. Understanding the principles of the sighting system will help you to...

What is the Point of Natural Point of Aim?

Natural point of aim is something that is often overlooked, but getting it right will do great things to improve your hold. After getting a stable standing position this is...

Standing position: When standing still is better than moving forwards

The first step to gaining a good hold in standing shooting is the platform you support the rifle on, your standing position. Those of you who have tried to type...
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